Safe Haven Thoroughbred Rescue, located in Bucks County, PA, has been responsible for the safe placement of over 1,300 horses, including Olympic show jumper ‘Noble Tu’ and superstar Grand Prix jumper, ‘Seize the Moment.’
In 40 years, we have never gotten a grant. We have achieved our success through the hard work and dedication of people who will sacrifice a lavish lifestyle in order to keep our horses healthy and happy. Specialization in Hunter-Jumpers, Dressage, Polo Ponies, Eventing, Fox Hunters, Breeding and Foaling, Rebab and Rescue. All horses sell with a right of first refusal contract.
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An open letter to Midnight:
My Dearest Darling Delinquent,
by Sophie Reed
Published by permission
Let me start by saying I love you greatly, you are stunning and your enthusiasm for life is infectious. However like with many overly positive starts to a paragraph there is a but coming, and here it is, BUT we need to discuss when is an appropriate time for tanking off.
You started life on the race track where you were supposed to earn your keep by going fast, except you mostly did not. You could have been famous like your nearly identical half sister Midnight Bisou who won $14 million and is now living in luxury. Except you are not, instead you are stuck with me. You managed to interspace wins and places with losing by 30 lengths. This dichotomy suggests that sometimes you chose not to tank off at a time that would have been very appropriate to do so.
You have, however, subsequently decided it is appropriate to go fast in a few locations that make me question your decision making skills. Example one, the dressage ring, this is not the time nor the place, please I beg of you. Example two, and the trigger for this letter, towards the dog walker, the adorable puppy and the crowd of hikers whilst I asked you to stop, with increasing levels of insistence, ranging from polite to hopefully there are no children around to hear what I just said. (We did stop in good time and were greeted by an excited puppy and the laughter of the people who heard my yelling.)
In summary:
Appropriate places for galloping:
The racetrack (this would have made a number of people happy)
Cross country (not downhill into skinnies, I know you are going to jump them but it is terrifying.)
The dressage ring
Downhill into skinnies
Towards dog walkers whilst I frantically try to stop you (actually anywhere while I am trying to stop you)
All my love and upper body strength,
One of my sub hobbies is Crash Test Dummy for the rescue horses, mostly baby racehorses, that come into Safe Haven Thoroughbred Rescue, Inc.. This is where both Charlie – The World’s Best Carthorse and Midnight came from. Charles was a model citizen and got scooped up by Dan Wasserstrom, Midnight was there for quite a while because she scared everyone that came to try her until they refused to get on her. Kate Goldenberg has a theory that I put Midnight up to it so that she could come home with me. I would like to state that I definitely, absolutely, completely did not and was very sad to wave the potential purchasers off. Bye, yes the gate does always shut that fast, safe travels.
This year all the rescues – bar one – have been solid citizens who have only made very gentle attempts to deck me. (I feel a bit overly bold saying that as there are still a few weeks of 2024 for me to get thrown into some nice frozen mud.) The one lad who made it very clear he didn’t want to participate in this riding rubbish anymore has gone off to a non riding home. Thankfully Kate Goldenberg is a master at holding onto a horse that is contemplating an irrecoverable explosion and also listens to them when they tell her what sort of second career they would like to have.
Midnight: won many TIP prizes and made it to prelim where she picked up the hard bit of the AEC qualification on her first attempt. We’ve made huge progress this year and picked up a bunch of ribbons.
by Sophie Reed
Published by permission

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